The personal attention that one-on-one tutoring provides is critical to understanding your child’s learning needs. It’s an ongoing conversation delving into the ins and outs of your child’s classroom challenges.

When a student says, “I hate math,” or “I am not a good reader,” or “I’m not smart,” it is a red flag to get the student to a tutor, so their beliefs don’t compound.

Tutoring has proven to be an important educational activity that supplements what your child is learning in school—or, in many cases, not learning for one reason or another. An individualized approach to helping your child through their difficulties can give them the tools and knowledge they need to flourish.

1-on-1 tutoring provides personalized instruction.

Every child’s learning journey is unique. A one-size-fits-all approach to tutoring won’t be as effective as one tailored to the child’s needs. Gaps in understanding and learning pace differ significantly from child to child. The issues will be discovered by beginning that conversation, allowing the tutor to pinpoint the areas of concern and customize the instruction for maximum benefit.

1-1 tutoring develops confidence.

In our experience, we’ve seen that most of the time students just want to be assured they are doing the problems correctly. The number one question we get is, “Did I do that right?” Often all a tutor needs to say is “Yes” and “Good job!” and the progress begins.

1-on-1 tutoring creates a positive environment that promotes trust.

A group setting can be intimidating to young minds, even with a small number of people. No one wants to be singled out for asking a “dumb question” or be looked down on because they don’t “get it” right away. Sitting privately with one person removes that negativity. It allows the tutor to form a bond of trust and understanding with the student, giving the child the opportunity to express themselves without fear of judgment.

When a student is unsure of a skill, he needs an experienced person to discuss it with. “This is how I think you do it, is that right?” Having the light bulb come on for a student through self-discovery without guidance doesn’t often happen, especially after frustration sets in.

1-on-1 time guarantees focus on the problem area.

Classrooms are often filled to capacity, and sometimes overfilled, so teachers cannot provide the necessary attention a child might require on a particular topic. With a dedicated tutor, your child is assured the attention they need to have all their questions answered. Quality, focused time allows your child to develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

1-on-1 tutoring increases accountability.

While schools offer accountability in the form of homework and exams, a tutor adds another layer on a personal level. For many students, their tutor becomes a type of mentor, encouraging them to succeed and praising them when they do. Therefore, a child may be more compelled to perform well knowing that someone has put in that extra time and effort to help them. A tutor’s coaching and guidance are huge motivators and can bring out the best in the child struggling in a particular area.

1-on-1 tutoring improves social skills and voluntary interaction.

By talking one-on-one to an adult in this manner, a child can improve their social skills and confidence in interacting. Learning these skills can translate to the classroom, and they may feel more comfortable asking the teacher questions or for assistance.

While improving grades is definitely a key benefit of tutoring, a child gains so much more. As a child’s knowledge and understanding grow, so does their confidence. And not just with the subject in question, but a stronger sense of self and courage develops that has benefits reaching far beyond the classroom.

1-on-1 tutoring could be just the boost your child needs before a big exam or the support system they require to get them through the year. Whether your child struggles in the classroom or lacks the focus to study, one-on-one tutoring provides the essential time and attention needed to help your child succeed.

My 6th grader came in with all D’s and F’S and we were all stressed out and beat down. In a matter of months I am a very PROUD parent of a A student. My student is happy go lucky and confident and enjoys school now. We gave her something our parents never gave us.

– Kim T.