A Parent’s Guide to Beating Summer Boredom

As summer vacations approach, parents will be trying to come up with ways to keep their school-aged children occupied. Summers might be a long break for kids, but for parents, it means finding more things to do to keep from hearing the dreaded “I’m bored!”.

It’s not always easy to find fun and educational activities, so we’ve compiled a list of exciting activities for beating summer boredom and keeping your kids happily occupied.

A Parent's Guide to Beating Summer Boredom

“Planning is key to enjoying valuable time together,” says Cecilia Mendiola, Senior Child Life Specialist at Children’s Health℠. “Activities such as drawing, painting and journaling are a few ways children can express their feelings and help develop positive coping skills during the summer.”

Here are eight ways to ensure your children make the most of their long school break.

1. Create a Daily Routine

Children have a daily routine to follow during the school year. But when school is out and there are no set responsibilities, it’s important to have your children stick to a similar daily routine.

Having a simple routine, like waking up at a designated time, eating breakfast, doing chores, etc., will make it easier for them to slide back into their school schedule in the fall.

Create a flexible daily schedule that includes responsibilities around the house and some overall good habits, such as sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, eating a balanced diet, and finishing house chores before spending time with friends or going places.

2. Set Goals for the Summer

Along with a daily routine for the summer, encourage your children to set some learning goals too. Sit with them and brainstorm ideas, such as reading a certain number of books, learning a musical instrument, or learning about a fun topic like astronomy or anything else they may be interested in. Help them set attainable goals and measure their goal with weekly check-ins or fun charts. This can help keep them motivated to move toward their goal. Check if your local library offers a summer reading program. These programs typically give participants a small reward – such as a free book – for meeting their daily or weekly reading goals.

Having a summer goal or goals can help keep your child’s brain stimulated and keep it sharp. By having summer goals, your children will not only learn about new things and stay curious, but they will also learn how to work towards a goal. Setting such learning goals helps prevent learning loss that can often occur during long breaks from the classroom.

3. Step Out in Nature

Take advantage of the warm weather and encourage your children to spend time outdoors. Plan a family hike or nature walk in a nearby park, forest, or reserve. You can teach them about different plants, animals, and ecosystems as they encounter each during the outing.

This will also serve as a family bonding experience. You might discover shared interests while on your nature walk. It can also be a good habit to occasionally step out into nature, away from the city. If you aren’t comfortable or equipped to spend a night in the forest, consider organizing a backyard camping adventure with tents, sleeping bags, and a small fire for s’mores making. Camping with your children makes for some amazing, shared memories for life.

4. Engage in Water Activities

When the temperature rises, there’s no better way to beat the heat than refreshing fun in the water. Plan a trip to a swimming pool, water park, or beach. Make a day out of it by packing a picnic lunch and toys the kids can play with in the water or sand.

If you don’t have access to a pool or beach, you can set up a mini water park in your backyard with sprinklers, water balloons, and inflatable pools. Using plastic sheets and a hose, you can create a homemade slip ‘n slide.

5. Get Creative

Apart from building learning habits, it is also important that you let your children explore their creative side. Let their creativity shine by engaging them in various art projects. Set up an outdoor painting station where they can express themselves on large canvases or create a nature-inspired collage using leaves, flowers, and twigs they find outside. Give them some upcycle projects where they have to create something out of discarded things lying around the house or garage.

You can also introduce them to tie-dyeing, pottery, woodcraft, or painting classes for a hands-on artistic experience.

While the goal is to keep them engaged and entertained, it’s a bonus that they’ll learn fun new skills and maybe even stumble upon something they’re really good at.

6. Try Out New Hobbies

Summer is the perfect time to take up a new hobby. Talk to your children about their possible interests and see what could keep them engaged. Unlike a summer goal, this activity could be anything that brings your children joy. Developing new hobbies is essential for a growing mind. It doesn’t have to be a learning experience.

Children usually enjoy hobbies such as:

  • Baking/cooking
  • Computer programming
  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Music
  • Writing/Journaling
  • Learning a new language
  • Learning new science experiments

As a parent, you can even take up a hobby that you and your child can do together. This will help you spend more quality time together and reinforce your bond.

7. Get Active with Sports:

Encourage your children to stay active during the summer by participating in sports activities. Being physically active and fit has never been more important than it is today. With so many digital distractions keeping your children glued to their seats almost all day, stepping out and partaking in sports will be a healthy change.

Organize family-friendly tournaments in your backyard, such as soccer, basketball, or badminton, where you can invite your children’s friends and their families too. You can also explore local sports clubs or community centers offering children summer sports programs. This will keep them physically active and help them develop important social skills.

8. Give Back

Apart from all the activities listed above that can keep your child busy during the summer break, teaching them to give back to society can instill values of gratitude, empathy, and altruism.

When your child sees you helping others without gaining anything in return, it serves as a great example for them to grow up and be caring and empathetic adults.

Your children can help others by:

  • Babysitting
  • Volunteering at an animal rescue or shelter
  • Donating food to a food bank
  • Donating old toys or clothes to those in need
  • Visiting a nursing home or assisted living facility
  • Mowing the lawn for a senior citizen in your neighborhood or helping them out in other ways
  • Write letters or create cards for kids who are in the hospital and for troops who are overseas
  • Put up a lemonade stand in the neighborhood and donate the proceeds to a charity

Giving back will help your child feel like they’re doing good in the world and can get their minds off themselves for a while. Plus, teenagers may need service hours as part of high school graduation requirements, which can give them a head start.


The summer break from school offers a wonderful opportunity for children to explore new interests and learn new skills, all while having fun. By incorporating exciting activities into their daily routines, you can ensure your children stay engaged, entertained, and make the most of their summer. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between structured activities and unstructured playtime, allowing your children to enjoy their vacation while keeping their minds and bodies active.

We hope this blog helps you beat summer boredom and create lasting memories with your children. Enjoy the summer break!

Conquering Summer Learning Loss: The Power of Tutoring

As summer approaches, parents eagerly anticipate a break from the school routine for their children. However, amidst the excitement, it’s essential to address a common challenge impacting a child’s academic success: summer learning loss.

In this article, we’ll discuss what summer learning loss entails, its detrimental effects on a child’s educational journey, and how summer tutoring programs can effectively combat this issue, unlocking a brighter future for your child.

Conquering Summer Learning Loss with Summer Tutoring Programs

As summer approaches, parents eagerly anticipate a break from the school routine for their children. However, amidst the excitement, it’s essential to address a common challenge impacting a child’s academic success: summer learning loss.

In this article, we’ll discuss what summer learning loss entails, its detrimental effects on a child’s educational journey, and how summer tutoring programs can effectively combat this issue, unlocking a brighter future for your child.

Understanding Summer Learning Loss

Summer learning loss, often known as the “summer slide,” refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge that occurs during the extended break from school. While on break, children go without a consistent or structured learning environment and have limited exposure to the same educational activities they would in school.

Research shows that children can lose up to two months of grade-level equivalency in math skills and experience significant declines in reading abilities over the summer. This regression can have long-term consequences, resulting in an achievement gap and academic challenges when children return to school in the fall.

Detrimental Effects on Academic Success

Summer learning loss can significantly hinder a child’s short- and long-term academic success. Students who experience learning regression may struggle to catch up with their friends, leading to decreased confidence and motivation. The cumulative impact of multiple summers without intellectual engagement can widen educational disparities. Research conducted by KL Alexander in 2007, indicates that summer learning loss can contribute to a two to three-year achievement gap by the end of fifth grade, creating significant challenges for these students’ long-term educational outcomes.

The Role of Summer Tutoring Programs

Summer tutoring programs play a crucial role in reducing the “summer slide” and supporting a child’s academic progress. These specialized programs provide targeted instruction, personalized attention, and a structured learning environment, all of which are essential for maintaining and reinforcing academic skills and knowledge retention. By participating in a tutoring program over the summer, children receive individualized support to address specific learning gaps, strengthen foundational knowledge, and prevent regression in core subjects like math, reading, and writing.

Benefits of a Summer Tutoring Program

Prevention of Learning Regression
  • Summer tutoring programs offer a proactive approach to minimizing the impact of an extended time away from school. With a tailored curriculum and focused instruction, tutors ensure that children retain and build upon their academic knowledge, reducing the potential for regression and helping them start the new school year on a solid footing.
Personalized Attention
  • Summer tutoring programs provide one-on-one or small group sessions, allowing tutors to identify each child’s unique learning needs. By adapting teaching strategies to individual strengths and weaknesses, tutors can effectively address areas requiring improvement, fostering accelerated growth and academic progress.
Building Confidence and Motivation
  • Summer tutoring programs create a supportive and encouraging learning environment that helps children build confidence in their abilities. Through positive reinforcement and personalized feedback, tutors empower students to overcome challenges, boosting their motivation and enthusiasm for learning.
Enhancing Study Skills
  • In addition to subject-specific instruction, summer tutoring programs impart crucial study skills that benefit a child’s overall academic journey. Tutors teach effective learning techniques, time management strategies, and organizational skills, equipping children with tools for success beyond the summer months.
Cultivating a Love for Learning
  • Summer tutoring programs incorporate interactive and engaging teaching methods to make learning enjoyable. By combining fun activities, real-life applications, and exciting projects, tutors can spark curiosity and nurture a lifelong love for learning in children.

Additionally, summer tutoring programs can alleviate parental concerns and provide peace of mind. As parents, we want the best for our children, and the thought of their hard-earned knowledge slipping away during the summer break can be worrisome. However, enrolling our children in a summer tutoring program allows us to actively invest in their academic growth and mitigate the negative effects of learning loss. We can rest assured knowing that our children are receiving personalized attention from qualified tutors who are dedicated to their success.

Summer tutoring programs often provide regular progress reports and opportunities for parent-teacher communication, keeping us informed about our child’s academic development. This collaboration between parents and tutors fosters a strong support system that works together to maximize our children’s learning potential. By choosing a summer tutoring program, we empower ourselves as parents to take an active role in shaping our children’s educational journeys and ensure they have every opportunity to thrive academically.


As parents, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of summer learning loss on our children’s academic success. By enrolling them in summer tutoring programs, we can prevent learning regression, boost confidence in the classroom, and equip our children with essential study skills for lifelong success. So, let’s embrace the many benefits of summer tutoring programs and empower our children to thrive academically, setting them up for a bright future filled with limitless possibilities. Together, we can make the most of the summer break, ensuring our children’s educational progress continues uninterrupted.

We offer tutoring all year long!

As you’ve discovered reading this article, tutoring isn’t just needed during the school year.  Keep your child’s scholastic momentum flowing by enrolling them in a tutoring program this summer. We’ll make it fun, promise!

How Tutoring Helps Close the Learning Gap

Before diving into that, let us first understand what a learning gap is and how it impacts a child’s academic development.

A learning gap is basically the difference between what a student is expected to have learned by a certain grade level and what they have actually learned.

A wide variety of reasons can cause gaps in understanding. A few examples are the swift pace a teacher might take during instruction, the lack of proper attention paid in class by the student, or simply the way the lesson is being taught. If a student doesn’t have a good understanding of the basic concept of a subject, then any new concepts taught based on the previous one will be more difficult to grasp. It often turns into a snowball effect.

Learning gaps will make it difficult for students to keep up. The academic and parental pressure of being behind the class can also negatively affect the student’s confidence, self-esteem, social life, and mental health.

This is where tutoring comes in. Tutoring plays a crucial role in closing those learning gaps. Once you realize your child might be struggling, finding a tutor to break down and thoroughly explain the school material can provide your child with the support and encouragement needed to reach their potential.

Here are just a few ways tutoring can help:

Personalized Instruction and Support

In a traditional classroom setting, teachers often cannot provide individualized attention to every student. Because of that, some students requiring additional explanation on the subject may not receive it and end up lagging behind.

Tutoring helps provide such students with a one-on-one learning experience, which allows them to receive support and feedback tailored to their unique needs, learning style, and pace. This method of focused instruction can do wonders for a child’s educational struggles as well as overall development in the early stages of life.

Focused on Specific Learning Needs

Every child is unique, and that difference can reflect in how they process and understand what is being taught. Therefore, it is unfair to assume that every student will learn academic concepts the same way or at the same pace. Plus, a student might feel overwhelmed with the sheer amount of what must be learned during a school year, with many topics being multi-leveled and complex.

Tutoring helps overcome the student’s specific hurdles by focusing on the required instruction, allowing the child to develop a deeper understanding of the particular topic.

Build Confidence and Motivation

When students receive one-on-one attention in areas where they are struggling, they can feel valued by the extra attention and support given to them by a tutor. And once the child overcomes their learning gaps, that will help boost their confidence and motivation. This part is essential because, through this process, the student will also learn that it is okay if they don’t always understand everything and that they can succeed with a bit of help.


Tutoring can play a critical role in closing the learning gap and helping students reach their full potential. With personalized attention and instruction, a targeted approach, confidence-building support, and genuine care, tutoring provides students with the time, resources, and tools they need to flourish in the classroom.

If you are looking for a way to help your child reach their full academic potential, consider seeking a qualified tutor. You can talk to our certified Washington State teachers and trained specialists today by calling 425-385-8224 or sending us a message at thattutoringplace@gmail.com to learn more.

[my son] was not interested in tutoring. Carrie and her staff diligently worked with Nikolas on a daily basis helping him to organize his work, to complete his homework, and to provide extra assistance in order to fill the gaps of knowledge that he lacked from not paying attention to lectures at school. It did not take long for Nik to look forward to tutoring, especially when he realized that he was actually understanding the subject matter…

– Jo Anne A.


Why 1-on-1 Tutoring is More Effective

The personal attention that one-on-one tutoring provides is critical to understanding your child’s learning needs. It’s an ongoing conversation delving into the ins and outs of your child’s classroom challenges.

When a student says, “I hate math,” or “I am not a good reader,” or “I’m not smart,” it is a red flag to get the student to a tutor, so their beliefs don’t compound.

Tutoring has proven to be an important educational activity that supplements what your child is learning in school—or, in many cases, not learning for one reason or another. An individualized approach to helping your child through their difficulties can give them the tools and knowledge they need to flourish.

1-on-1 tutoring provides personalized instruction.

Every child’s learning journey is unique. A one-size-fits-all approach to tutoring won’t be as effective as one tailored to the child’s needs. Gaps in understanding and learning pace differ significantly from child to child. The issues will be discovered by beginning that conversation, allowing the tutor to pinpoint the areas of concern and customize the instruction for maximum benefit.

1-1 tutoring develops confidence.

In our experience, we’ve seen that most of the time students just want to be assured they are doing the problems correctly. The number one question we get is, “Did I do that right?” Often all a tutor needs to say is “Yes” and “Good job!” and the progress begins.

1-on-1 tutoring creates a positive environment that promotes trust.

A group setting can be intimidating to young minds, even with a small number of people. No one wants to be singled out for asking a “dumb question” or be looked down on because they don’t “get it” right away. Sitting privately with one person removes that negativity. It allows the tutor to form a bond of trust and understanding with the student, giving the child the opportunity to express themselves without fear of judgment.

When a student is unsure of a skill, he needs an experienced person to discuss it with. “This is how I think you do it, is that right?” Having the light bulb come on for a student through self-discovery without guidance doesn’t often happen, especially after frustration sets in.

1-on-1 time guarantees focus on the problem area.

Classrooms are often filled to capacity, and sometimes overfilled, so teachers cannot provide the necessary attention a child might require on a particular topic. With a dedicated tutor, your child is assured the attention they need to have all their questions answered. Quality, focused time allows your child to develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

1-on-1 tutoring increases accountability.

While schools offer accountability in the form of homework and exams, a tutor adds another layer on a personal level. For many students, their tutor becomes a type of mentor, encouraging them to succeed and praising them when they do. Therefore, a child may be more compelled to perform well knowing that someone has put in that extra time and effort to help them. A tutor’s coaching and guidance are huge motivators and can bring out the best in the child struggling in a particular area.

1-on-1 tutoring improves social skills and voluntary interaction.

By talking one-on-one to an adult in this manner, a child can improve their social skills and confidence in interacting. Learning these skills can translate to the classroom, and they may feel more comfortable asking the teacher questions or for assistance.

While improving grades is definitely a key benefit of tutoring, a child gains so much more. As a child’s knowledge and understanding grow, so does their confidence. And not just with the subject in question, but a stronger sense of self and courage develops that has benefits reaching far beyond the classroom.

1-on-1 tutoring could be just the boost your child needs before a big exam or the support system they require to get them through the year. Whether your child struggles in the classroom or lacks the focus to study, one-on-one tutoring provides the essential time and attention needed to help your child succeed.

My 6th grader came in with all D’s and F’S and we were all stressed out and beat down. In a matter of months I am a very PROUD parent of a A student. My student is happy go lucky and confident and enjoys school now. We gave her something our parents never gave us.

– Kim T.